NB : Menjadi master photography dengan tutorial kelas dunia, MAU ?
Pusing dengan mahalnya ikut
workshop2 photography ? kali ini
saya mencoba memberi solusi dengan paket tutorial photography dan photoshop kelas INTERNASIONAL harga LOKAL,
sehingga menghemat pengeluaran
biaya anda....
Anda tidak perlu keliling dunia untuk mendapatkan tutorial berkualitas dengan tutor master kelas dunia, cukup baca paket tutorial di bawah ini....
Paket 1
HDR with photoshop by collin smith
(HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography adalah salah satu teknik yang melibatkan pengetahuan dasar teknik memotret dan juga olah digital lanjutan. Dasarnya adalah membuat satu file foto (formatnya *.hdr) dengan menggabungkan beberapa foto berobjek sama “persis” namun berbeda eksposurenya. Sehingga dihasilkan satu file foto yang rentang nilai dinamis yang tinggi (untuk keperluan olah lanjutan artistiknya lebih luas variasinya))
contoh bila kita ingin memotret sunset tapi tak ingin ada silhouette maka dari itu digunakannya hdr.
(digital light)
Digital Portraiture Basics. Level 1
* DVD-RIP, Experience Level: BASIC FOR PROFESSIONALS / LEVEL ONE, Running Time: 36 min | 129 mb
This 36 minute DVD is aimed at the serious hobbyist through professional photographer looking for easy to understand fact-based info on entering the world of digital capture portraiture.
If you're looking for a super solid foundation to build your digital portrait work on, this is it!
In this DVD, we will be showing you the basics of portrait lighting ranging from types of strobe units and types of light modifiers that work best in the digital world, to proper light placement and a great basic portrait lighting setup you can use to get really great looking digital portraits - right away. We take a "step-by-step" approach by working with one light at a time, then combining two lights, three and finally blending all 4 traditional lights together in one perfectly lit and exposed portrait.
This title will make your photo lighting smooth and easy with solid info and plenty of example images from one of the top photographers and best photo educators in the industry
Digital Portraiture Lighting. Level 2
* DVD-RIP, Experience Level: INTERMEDIATE FOR PROFESSIONALS / ADVANCED FOR NON-PROS, Running Time: 57 min | 189 mb
Whether your creating a great looking classic portrait for display on someone's mantle, or using high key to capture the personality of an 8 year old, lighting is everything. Using an elegant classic portrait set up, a "power couple" portrait, a business-like headshot, and a fun high key set up for kids, world class photographer Will Crockett shows you every step on how to choose, use, and not abuse your light quality for excellence in digital portraiture with plenty of example photos and pro level tips along the way.
Learn 5 pro lighting portrait set ups that you can use right away.
There's no better way to learn lighting than to see every component setup, placed carefully, then added into the shot. This video shows you every step in clear and easy-to-understand detail presented by a skilled photographer and teacher.
Digital Portraiture Lighting. Level 3
* DVD-RIP, Experience Level: PROFESSIONAL AND SEMI-PRO TO STUDENT, Running Time: 62 min. | 187 mb
Beautiful and easy to learn professional lighting for working Pros and serious enthusiasts alike.
Our Lighting level ONE DVD introduces you to each component of the typical portrait lighting setup, then our Lighting level TWO DVD moves you into 5 different contemporary lighting setups with precision and control. Now Digital Portrait Lighting level THREE shows you the classic and contemporary portrait setups you need to be successful in today's marketplace. Minneapolis-based portrait/advertising shooter Christopher Grey reveals his technique of adapting film-look lighting into modern digital workflow and shares the tips you need from a master photographer to create your own digital lighting style.
Shootsmarter University is proud to present the third volume in our DigiLight DVD collection with a talented photographer whom we believe is the best digital lighting instructor in the photographic world - author, speaker and hands-on instructor Chris Grey.
Niklight ( The Speed For Light )
Dijelaskan secara gamblang bagaimana anda mengatur lighting yang sangat akurat menggunakan sb nikkon but for another camera besides nikkon ini juga sangat berguna karena kebanyakan yang dibahas adalah strobistnya..
Photoshop Secret Digital Photographer
Photoshop video tutorial by corey barker
Adobe Photoshop for Photographers cs 3
Paket 2
Dean Collins On Lighting
DVD 1 - Finelight Portraiture
Dean teaches lighting control through the proper use and understanding of reflective and incident light metering. He stresses new ideas in portraiture and predictability.
Time 1hr, 20min
Commentary : Tony Corbell & Skip Cohen
Portrait with Horse : Outdoor
Fashion Portrait : Studio
Portrait of Woman : Location
Portrait with Baby : Studio
Fashion Portrait : Studio
DVD 2 - Finelight Commercial Illustration
A Porsche studio set is detailed, from creating a mountain range and fog, to building a lake in the studio. In Motorcycle Motion, Dean explains how to use time to create an illusion of speed with a motorcycle in the studio. Techniques for specular control on highly reflective surfaces of small products and the use of specular "gobos" are outlined.
Time 1hr, 53min
Motorcycle Motion : Studio
Tabletop Watches : Studio
Porsche : Studio Large Set
Floating Lens : Studio
Sports Shoes : Tabletop
Sunglasses : Tabletop
Candy : Tabletop
Catalog Lighting : Variations
DVD 3 - Finelight Portraiture Large Set
Dean details the use of an outdoor setting... indoors and emphasizes the proper use of incident and reflective meters for complete control of your environment. See how to control natural sunlight and how to use a portable strobe to simulate sunlight for a shopping mall catalog.
Time 1hr, 26min
Fashion Portrait : Classic Studio
Executive Portrait : Airport Location
Fashion Portrait Beach : Studio
Fashion Portrait : Variations
Fashion Portrait : Outdoor Mall Location
Fashion Portrait : Outdoor Warm Sun
Sunlight Panel : Lighting Variations
DVD 4 - Collins on Basics
Time 1hr, 47min
Studio Portraits
You'll watch as Dean creates four stunning portraits, each time using only one flash as his primary light source.
Outdoor Portraits
Dean explains the keys to creating outdoor portraits that sell. Basic and advanced photographic theories are explained in detail through the use of photographic documentation and easy-to-understand diagrams.
The Portfolio
Dean examines the making of a models portfolio. An interview with a leading talent agent provides insight into what the agencies are looking for in a rep card. You'll watch as Dean creates a variety of different looks in one day. In just 30 minutes, you can learn how to produce stunning head shots, indoor and outdoor fashion, and colorful glamour photography.
Swimwear Fashion
Dean explains the keys to producing top-quality swimwear photographs. You'll see him working on location as he uses simple lighting techniques with mirrors, diffusion scrims and reflector panels to create dazzling images. Added interviews with a leading talent agent and make-up artist reveal the secrets that can help bring you to the top of your craft.
Through The Eyes of a Pro Advances Techniques
volume 1 duration 1.40.16 jam (RIP video but still awesome)
volume 2 duration 1.39.44(RIP video but still awesome)
Paket 3
Rob Giuliani Close Up Of Photography
duration 1jam 54 menit
Ben Willmore High Dynamic Range
(HDR) Mastery
(HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography adalah salah satu teknik yang melibatkan pengetahuan dasar teknik memotret dan juga olah digital lanjutan. Dasarnya adalah membuat satu file foto (formatnya *.hdr) dengan menggabungkan beberapa foto berobjek sama “persis” namun berbeda eksposurenya. Sehingga dihasilkan satu file foto yang rentang nilai dinamis yang tinggi (untuk keperluan olah lanjutan artistiknya lebih luas variasinya))
contoh bila kita ingin memotret sunset tapi tak ingin ada silhouette maka dari itu digunakannya hdr.
Joey Behind The Scenes
Specialized RAW Conversion Techniques- blend many different variations of the same raw file / picture to get ‘manual’ HDR effects you control.
Levels and Curves - learn how I use (and positively abuse) these lightness and darkness tools together to their fullest capability.
Multiply techniques- learn how to get the “Joey L signature look” to obtain a muddy, dark yet vivid tonal range in your own images
Dodge / Burn- see how I use these tools to enhance certain areas of my pictures, and special tips I’ve come across by trial and error
Soft Light Techniques - how to obtain edgy, ‘embossed’ looks on your photographs that make them pop out of the screen
Grunge - the best ways to apply textures, scratches and other dirty elements to your images and blend them in with precision
Rescue - save and rescue a ‘bad take’ or mistake you can’t afford to have. Examples such as swapping peoples heads from different pictures, expanding the cut off area of a photo, ect.
Tilt / Shift effect- learn how to get a realistic ‘tilt shift’ lens blur effect in Photoshop without having to buy one / manual focus
Quick Masks- how to make realistic selections to influence light and dark values
Cooking Your Own Textures- yup, I kid you not! How you can bake up your own textures in the oven to use in your grungy
Watch And Learn Photoshop
Photoshop Tips & Tricks Vol 1,2,3,4,5,6
Paket 4
Runtime: Over 3 hours
Mac & PC compatible
Video Resolution: 800x600
DVD-ROM Content Size: 3.19 Gb
Marks Advanced Photoshop CS FX DVD
membuat benda2 yang widiii.. di photohsop
Mark brings back some of his hottest techniques featured on one of
his first training CD�s (5.5 F/X on the Right).His first training CD's (5.5 F / X on the Right). Now they are backNow they are back
but this time in full motion video and updated for Photoshop CS.But this time in full motion video and updated for Photoshop CS.
In addition to these techniques, Mark has packed on 5 more hoursIn addition to these techniques, Mark has packed on five more hours
of training videos.Of training videos. You'll create effects you've never seen before!You'll create effects you've never seen before!
All these effects are original and cannot be found in any book or website.All these effects are original and can not be found in any book or website.
Mark innovates his own techniques and graphics.Mark innovates his own techniques and graphics.
Details :
* Easy to use interface for working side-by-side with Photoshop* Easy to use interface for working side-by-side with Photoshop
* 20 QuickTime Videos on Killer Effects of the most Advanced Original Concepts.* 20 QuickTime Videos on Killer Effects of the most Original Advanced Concepts.
* Videos in 1024x768 format!* Videos in 1024 x768 format!
Paket 5
Mark's 101 Totally Awesome Photo Tips in Photoshop CS
studio portrait lighting by joe craig
Lighting For Portraits and The Portrait Video by Joe Craig worth $49
“The Portrait Video” contains 14 chapters ranging from portraits with two umbrellas, to multiple lighting arrangements plus tips on posing. Total running time 90 mins.
Paket 6
Katrin Eismann - Adjustment Layers
Working with Adjustment Layers
with Katrin Eismann
Adjustment Layers are a fantastic feature to enhance image tone, exposure, color, and contrast. Learn why and when to use Adjustment Layers and how to harness the power of Layer Masks. Katrin will demonstrate Finding Neutral, Digital Darkroom techniques, Exposure and Lighting, and Creative Color.
All featured files included on the DVD - allowing you to work with me, to learn at your own pace.
Katrin Eismann - Advanced Masking Techniques
Learn how to think like Photoshop to create photorealistic composites that maintain detail, hair and translucency. Take advantage of hidden Masks using features like Alpha Channels, Black and White, contrast and differences. Make multiple Masks, separate fine details, Replace Backdrops and enhance the sky. Learn to combine images based on tone using "Blend If".
All featured files included on the DVD - allowing you to work with me, to learn at your own pace.
In this DVD you will learn how to use Adjustment, Layers and Calculations, producing Alpha Channel, Masks
which are used to add shape and proportion to the following retouching techniques: Lines and wrinkles,
hot-spot areas, image lightening, lips, eyes, sharpening, skin smoothing, and adding realistic make-up.
Finally, due to the non-destructive nature of this advanced workflow, we can spend time adjusting the
effects to create more a balanced and convincing final image.
Photoshop Cafe Perfect Composition
This video teaches you how to transform your photography! Your images will instantly become more powerful and engaging. In addition to teaching you the rules of composition, Tim shows you why the rules work, and when to break them! This video takes you through the steps of seeing, designing, and executing the final composition. Learn how your shutter speeds, f-stops, and lens length are crucial to composing your photo. Never take a boring shot again.
This comprehensive educational and instructional DVD on lighting is an hour long and packed with information. Subjects include:
* Posing techniques for headshots, 3/4, and full length
* Grooming and corrective techniques
* Lighting patterns
* Names and uses of lights
* Placement of lights
* How strobes work
* Metering techniques with strobes and incident meters
* Selecting the proper light modifier
* Umbrellas, beauty dishes, Fresnel, soft boxes, and grid spots
* Lighting for the mood
* 1, 2, and 3 light setups
* Balancing strobe and ambient light
In the DVD, I light three models with different skin types; two women and one man, in a variety of settings, from soft and beautiful, to dramatic and moody. One of the great features of this DVD is that when I photograph the model, the RAW file of the image capture is displayed, so you can freeze the frame and review all of the information immediately. At the end of each section, the lighting equipment used for that setup is shown.
Guy Gowan has manipulated images since the first digital scanning devices were developed and has amassed a wide range of experience and expertise along the way.
In this DVD tutorial, Guy our senior presenter with his unique approach to image manipulation demonstrates the techniques he uses in Retouching Workflow.
You will see him and his monitor simultaneously throughout this unique seminar style tutorial. His methods are advanced and with this DVD you will learn how to retouch and manipulate images with flexibility, speed and most important
Paket 7
Isi dari paket 7 :
Perfect Exposure for Digital Photography
Photoshop CS4 For Digital Photographer
Secrets to Selling and Publishing Photography
Tonal Control in Digital Photography
Paket 8
Isi dari paket 8 :
One one plugin
digital on camera flash
Paket 9
isi dari paket 9 :
isi dari paket 9 adalah praktek tips trik dari Photographer kelas dunia seperti,
David Backstead
David LaChapelle
David Oliver
Denis Reggie
Douglas Kirkland (creative inspiration)
Jeff Ascough
Jerry Ghonis
Marcuss Bell
Martin Schembri
Rob Heyman
studio portrait lighting
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